Arcane Lineage Classes Guide - Best Classes (2024)

On the hunt for an Arcane Lineage classes guide? You’ve come to the right place! This guide contains all you need to know about each and every class in the game. We’ve also included some useful information regarding which classes branch out to others.

Arcane Lineage is a unique turn-based Roblox game. Utilise a variety of classes that branch out into more powerful ones and take part in explosive combat. Summon beasts, apply debuffs, support your allies, and come out on top! It’s important to remember that this game is notoriously difficult.

For more information about the game, visit the official Roblox page. If you’re looking for new games to play, check out our Type Soul Shikai guide, Type Soul Hollow guide, and Type Soul codes.

Now, let’s move on to the guide!

Class Tree

So, which classes branch out to others? You’ll have to unlock and level a class before you can move on to the next one.

  • Warrior – Berserker and Paladin
  • Thief – Assassin and Rogue
  • Slayer – Impaler and Saint
  • Martial Artist – Darkwraith and Monk
  • Mage – Necromancer and Elementalist

Base Classes (Level 5+)

Let’s look at the base classes starting from level 5. These classes are found in the Forest!

Martial Artist

  • Cost per skill: 55 Gold
  • Total Cost: 220 Gold
  • Skills: 4
Passive Abilities
  • Fighting Prowess – Deals more damage with caestus
  • Iron Body – Less chip damage when blocking
  • Barrage – Three-hit attack
  • Endure – Provides you with a 25% damage reduction against physical attacks for 3 turns
Active Minigame
  • Press arrows quickly


  • Cost per skill: 50 Gold
  • Total Cost: 200 Gold
  • Skills: 4
Passive Abilities
  • Agile – Running speed is increased
  • Stab – Single target attack that inflicts Bleed for 2 turns
  • Pocket Sand – Throw sand at an opponent that blinds them for 3 turns (scales off of arcane)
Active Minigame
  • Click when an arrow is pointing into the openings of the layer of circles


  • Cost per skill: 50 Gold
  • Total Cost: 200 Gold
  • Skills: 4
Passive Abilities
  • Spear Training – Damage with a spear is increased
  • Swift Fighter – Agility is increased while dodging
  • Serpent Strike – Single target attack that applies poison to an opponent for a total of 3 turns
  • Triple Strike – Attack 3 times


  • Cost per skill: 50 Gold
  • Total Cost: 200 Gold
  • Skills: 4
Passive Abilities
  • Sword Training – Sword damage is increased
  • Strength Training – Proficiency increased when blocking using a sword
  • Pommel Strike – Attack your opponent with the base of your sword (also has a chance to stun!)
  • Double Slash – Strike twice quickly


  • Cost per skill: 40 Gold
  • Total Cost: 120 Gold
  • Skills: 3
Passive Abilities
  • Scholar Training – Grants you the ability to use skills from scrolls
  • Coward – Decreases the chance of being targeted by an opponent
  • Magic Missle – Ranged attack after completing the active minigame
Active Minigame
  • Match the letters to their slots

Orderly Super Classes (Level 15+)

Next, let’s take a look at the classes that are available from level 15. These classes are found in the Desert!


  • Cost per skill: 400 Gold
  • Total Cost: 2000 Gold
  • Skills: 5
Passive Abilities
  • Enduring Fighter – Resistance increased when your HP is low
  • Shield Training – Your movement speed is decreased, but your blocking is buffed
  • Pure Resonation – Buffs you and your allies
  • Sacred Call – Buffs a singular ally with swords of light
  • Holy Crash – Strike your sword down to create a large explosion


  • Cost per skill: 400 Gold
  • Total Cost: 2000 Gold
  • Skills: 5
Passive Abilities
  • Blessed Fists – Blocking and healing are buffed
  • Holy Mantra – Buffs you or an ally with resilient light
  • Fire Sutra – Summon a wave of flames that imbues your fists with fire
  • Flame Drop – Imbues your leg with fire, allowing you to crash down onto an enemy to cause an explosion
  • Blazing Barrage – Deals more damage than a standard Barrage


  • Cost per skill: 400 Gold
  • Total Cost: 2000 Gold
  • Skills: 5
Passive Abilities
  • Graceful Returns – You are granted buffs when healing others
  • Holy Emissary – Your healing is buffed
  • Light Burst – Summon a burst of light with your spear (also blinds opponents!)
  • Cleansing Prayer – Cleanses an ally and heals them while removing debuffs
  • Holy Grace – Heals an ally


  • Cost per skill: 400 Gold
  • Total Cost: 2000 Gold
  • Skills: 5
Passive Abilities
  • Elemental Master – Reduces the amount of elemental damage taken
  • Caster – You have a higher chance of receiving more energy per turn
  • Blaze – Primarily deals single target damage whilst also dealing a small amount of AOE damage to nearby opponents
  • Wind Reflect – Reflects melee attacks (lasts for 2 rounds)
  • Lightning Crash – Please check back soon!


  • Cost per skill: 400 Gold
  • Total Cost: 2000 Gold
  • Skills: 5
Passive Abilities
  • Blader – Dagger damage is increased and causes your opponents to bleed
  • Advanced Thief – Looting is improved
  • Slash Barrage – Rush an enemy with quick slashes
  • Poison Trap – Summon a trap that attacks melee opponents
  • Dagger Spread – Leap up into the air and throw daggers at opponents

Chaotic Super Classes (Level 15+)

Lastly, let’s take a look at the Chaotic Super classes. These classes can be found in the Deeproot Canopy!


  • Cost per skill: 400 Gold
  • Total Cost: 2000 Gold
  • Skills: 5
Passive Abilities
  • Bloody Berserker – Buff yourself with your own blood
  • Deranged Fighter – You become Berserk when receiving debuffs
  • Rendering Barrage – Your spears are enveloped in blood, followed by rushing an enemy with a barrage of attacks (deal a bonus attack if your opponent is bleeding!)
  • Blood Eruption – Envelope yourself in blood, and after a short while, explode while damaging all nearby enemies (be careful using this ability, as it also causes damage to yourself!)
  • Bloody Burst – Pierce yourself and release blood shards that attack all nearby enemies (be careful using this ability, as it also causes damage to yourself!)


  • Cost per skill: 400 Gold
  • Total Cost: 2000 Gold
  • Skills: 5
Passive Abilities
  • Shadow – You have a chance of phasing through attacks
  • Poisoner – Critical attacks poison opponents
  • Shadow Form – Strike yourself and become invisible
  • Poison Fan – Summon poisonous daggers that poison your primary target and those nearby
  • Stealth Strike – Disappear into the shadows and attack an opponent from behind


  • Cost per skill: 400 Gold
  • Total Cost: 2000 Gold
  • Skills: 5
Passive Abilities
  • Greatsword Training – Grants you the ability to buy the Greatsword weapon
  • Bloodlust – Provides a small damage buff when you kill an opponent
  • Rage Empower – Sacrifice your own sanity to decrease your defense, but buff your offense
  • Head Splitter – Jump towards an opponent and throw down your sword (applies the vulnerable debuff twice!)
  • Carnage – Slam the ground with your sword, attacking all enemies on the field


  • Cost per skill: 400 Gold
  • Total Cost: 2000 Gold
  • Skills: 5
Passive Abilities
  • Summoner – Grants you the ability to have 2 summons on the field
  • Death Siphon – Regenerate HP and receive a speed boost when defeating an opponent
  • Call Skeleton – Summon a skeleton to help you in battle
    • Command your skeleton to use Smack and Bone Spray
  • Darklight Drain – Capture the soul of an opponent to deal damage and heal yourself
  • Raise Dead – Revive a dead ally and restore some of their HP and energy

Dark Wraith

  • Cost per skill: 400 Gold
  • Total Cost: 2000 Gold
  • Skills: 5
Passive Abilities
  • Darkborne – Critical hits create darknovas which increase overall speed
  • Spirit Wraith – When your HP is low, your summons are buffed
  • Dark Smite – Attack the ground with darkness, summoning a rift above the field (this has a bonuc critical hit chance!)
  • Summon Darkbeast – Summons a beast of darkness to help you on the field
    • Command the beast of darkness to use Pounce and Void Bite
  • Darkcore Eruption – Consume all of your darkcore stacks to release the darkness (buffed when you reach maximum stacks!)


The following classes aren’t full classes, and are available to anyone who wants to use them. You can only have one subclass available at any moment.


  • Cost per skill:400 Gold
  • Total Cost:1,200 Gold
  • Skills:3
Passive Abilities
  • Curar Forte –Use 3% of your health to restore 6% of your allies’ health
  • Latir Minor –Empower your allies for four turns
  • Rebanar Major –Damage enemies, inflict vulnerable and blindness


  • Cost per skill:250 Gold
  • Total Cost: 750Gold
  • Skills:3
  • Monster parts required:Mushroom Cap, Sand Core, and Restless Fragment
Passive Abilities
  • Sneak –Move slowly, avoid encounters, and take damage over time
  • Bestiary –Opens a book that shows all enemies that you have marked and killed, improving drop rates for them
  • Mark –Mark your enemy, adding them to your bestiary when you defeat them


  • Cost per skill:200 Gold
  • Total Cost:800 Gold
  • Skills: 4
Passive Abilities
  • Iron Gut – Reduce toxicity when using potions in battle
  • Create Cauldron –Spawn a cauldron anywhere
  • Certified –Sell ingredients and potions at an apothecary
  • Dangerous Mixture –Throw a potion at an enemy, applying random debuffs for three turns
Arcane Lineage Classes Guide - Best Classes (1)

Adele Wilson


With experience writing for GameRant and in SEO copywriting, Adele loves to combine her adoration for gaming and writing. She'll talk your ear off about anything fantasy, and if she's not typing away at her desk, she's probably playing an RPG somewhere.

Arcane Lineage Classes Guide - Best Classes (2024)


How do you get a super class in Arcane Lineage? ›

However, Neutral Super Classes cost more than Orderly and Chaotic. You must be Level 15 to obtain them, however to fully upgrade them you must be minimum level 23. All can be found within the forest biome, excluding the thief variant, as it is located in the Desert biome.

How to become orderly in Arcane lineage? ›

You can gain Order by doing NPC quests the “good” way. (i.e. giving the Alchemy Student the right potion). The second way to gain Order is to drink Heartsoothing potions (NOTE: you must drink the potions first BEFORE completing the quests). However if you did it backwards, just go and complete more orderly quests.

How to become chaotic in Arcane lineage? ›

There are 3 alignments, Chaotic (Chaos), Neutral, and Orderly (Pure). These alignments are required for your classes, you gain Chaotic and Orderly by doing quests or drinking potions. You can do any one of these options to get enough for a <super class>: 11 Potions then 2 quests.

How to get more skills in Arcane Lineage? ›

Skills can be acquired through class progression, leveling up (skills acquired vary depending on race), completing certain quests, or using scrolls (some skills learned from scrolls are class exclusive and will only work in battle if you are the necessary class).

What class has the highest arcane? ›

As a result, the bard is far and away D&D 5e's most capable arcane class, easily landing the top spot on this list.

Is Arcane Lineage permadeath? ›

Arcane Lineage is a punishing turn based combat hardcore permadeath rpg styled after Rogue Lineage and based on a game called Platform Battles.

How to get monk class in Arcane Lineage? ›

Obtainment. Speak with the Luther. You must enter the desert and up ahead he'll be sitting atop a rock formation that has several carnastool spawns around it. You must be level 15+ to acquire the super class.

How to get Daze in Arcane Lineage? ›

When asked for help Yorn will tell you to kill three slimes and come back once you have. After killing three slimes he will reward you with 50 gold and the skill "Daze" which is a very useful skill especially early to mid game.

Where is the mysterious man in Arcane Lineage? ›

He spawns for the first 10 minutes every server hour. He can be found behind the Merchant shop, behind the Bar, or behind the Blacksmith.

Where is the necromancer in Arcane Lineage? ›

Once reaching level 15+ head to deeproot canopy, go to the right once passing the first entrance and eventually you will see a stone path leading to a cave, this cavern is dark so you have to be careful where you step, the Necromancer is there.

How to get bad reputation in Arcane Lineage? ›

You mainly lose reputation by killing other players or A.G. members. If one's reputation is already below neutral, killing pirates lowers reputation even more. You can also lower your reputation if you conquer an island while you are below neutral.

What does Cursed Sky do in Arcane Lineage? ›

Game passes & In app purchases
Race RerollAllows you to reroll your current save slot's race.
Character SlotUnlocks another character slot.
Cursed SkyCorrupts the sky and turns it purple also Makes enemies stronger and drop better loot.
ReviveRestores Lives to your current save slot.
2 more rows
Jun 14, 2024

What does meditating do in Arcane Lineage? ›

You can level up by meditating on mats by pressing M. You can find these mats in each of the cities in the game. After meditating you will be sent to the spirit domain where you must locate the white orb named "Aretim". Interact with him to level up.

What does corruption of the skies do in Arcane Lineage? ›

Overview. Corrupted sky is a featured that happens whenever an hour passes on real time and lasts 10 minutes, after a while the environment will turn into a purple palette and you will notice how enemies now have different properties, which are the following: All bosses and monsters gain 50% more hp.

How to get sword dancer arcane lineage? ›

Obtainment. The Leoran sits on the wooden stairway leading to Tundra. Go left from the wizard tower and past the mines. You must be level 15+ to make him teach you an ability.

What is the highest level in Arcane Reborn? ›

It is increased by using most kinds of attacks, by completing quests, by completing dungeons or by defeating enemies. The highest level obtainable is level 350.

Where can I get Lancer Arcane lineage? ›

Obtainment. You must be a level 15+ slayer. Go left from the wizard tower and past the mines. Go up the wooden scaffolding past the blade dancer mentor, and you'll find him the lancer mentor stone stairs to one of the great beasts.

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